Greetings! So happy you are visiting my website!
Due to the number of people who book an appointment and fail to show up without cancelling, a deposit will now be required.
Please note - my office is on the second floor and there is no elevator.
In gratitude.
Lisa Jacques RN

A Word From Lisa
I have been intrigued with nutrition, exercise, and holistic healthcare most of my adult life. I started my quest for a physically fit body over 20 years ago when my dad introduced me to step aerobics. My passion for exercise has evolved to include weight lifting, running, hiking, biking, and tennis. In order to maintain my active lifestyle, I incorporate massage therapy, chiropractic care, Reiki, acupuncture, vibrational healing, colonics, coffee enemas and various other energy healing modalities into my routine.
I was drawn to colonics to help me recover from leaky gut syndrome and I have continued with colon cleansing to maintain intestinal health. I obtained my colon hydrotherapist certification from the Wood Hygienic Institute during the summer of 2007, started working at Vitonics in August of that year and eventually purchased Vitonics in May 2008. I work with people of all different ages having a variety of health goals, from folks wanting to maintain or improveoptimal health to those suffering from a wide array of digestive and intestinal issues.
In 2019 I decided to pursue my nursing degree and was accepted in the St Joseph Hospital College of Nursing program. I graduated in May 2021 and am now officially a Registered Nurse! I am currently working part time for a general family medical practice and am doing my best to accommodate clients at Vitonics.